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Getting into Flow


Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Flow is an optimum state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best. Conservative estimates say we are 200 to 250% more productive, while some say up to 500% more productive.

It’s those moments of rapt attention and total absorption in what you’re doing. You’re so focused on the task at hand that everything disappears.

Action and awareness start to merge. Your sense of self vanishes. Time passes more slowly or faster. Pattern recognition, lateral thinking, learning, and creativity are unsurpassed, and all aspects of performance are at your best.

Being in flow, or in the zone, is usually attributed to athletes. Not only have they practiced their craft, but they are indeed in the presence of some of the things that normally trigger flow; risk, challenge, passion, complexity, unpredictability, having aclear goal, and immediate feedback.

Fun facts about flow:

Neuroscience has shown us that when in flow, we use a lot less of our brain! Your pre-frontal cortex shuts off, and you go into a state that looks similar to the brain activity of someone in deep meditation. Your pre-frontal cortex is where

your critical thinking happens…it’s also where your inner critic resides. Your mind is quiet, and this is what makes you completely focused or immersed, without distraction, in what you are doing.

We also know that while in flow the body and brain are flooded with Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Anandamide, Endorphins, and Serotonin. These natural chemicals are highly addictive, hence terms like an adrenaline


Neuro-electricity also changes in the flow state. Most of us are in a beta brain wave state as we go through our day. Beta is the normal state of consciousness for most humans. Beta is a faster wave state. Flow happens at the border of alpha

and theta brain waves, and in the theta state there are occasional gamma spikes. (Gamma brain wave state is where epiphanies occur!)

You may not be an athlete trying to get in the zone. Some of us just want to be in a flow state so they can write a newsletter that helps people utilize flow for themselves!!

If you would like to be more productive at your tasks, there are ways for you to trigger flow in order to increase your performance. Below are some “hacks” that work for me!

#1 Hack: Right before you go to sleep, think about the task you want to complete the next morning. Let your subconscious do all the work while you sleep, and then tap into that when you do your task the next day.

#2 Hack: Create the right environment. Creating a space that is peaceful, quiet, and pleasing to your senses can be key to helping you enter flow. Make a space that is aesthetically pleasing, physically comfortable, contains some items that have emotional meaning to you (pictures or mementos), is quiet or you can listen to your favorite instrumental music, and don’t downplay the olfactory! Your favorite essential oil, or even Glade plug-in, is an important part of the formula.

#3 Hack: Procrastinate. I know, I know. That’s not very responsible! It does however introduce the element of risk. This isn’t for everyone. It only works for those that perform well under pressure. I wrote almost all of my college papers last-minute… I always went into flow, and I always did very well.

#4 Hack: Create your own ritual. For example: get a cup of caffeine, eliminate all distractions, light a candle and incense, ask your higher power for assistance in the task you're taking on, take some deep breaths (even better, do some heart-mind coherence breaths), and get started!

#5 Hack: Nature. You already knew this! The sensory stimulation, as well as the calming effect trees have (check out this article:, can help elevate your brain and body into a flow state.


There you have it! Getting into a flow state is accessible to anyone willing to implement these "hacks". I encourage you to practice it as often as you can. You will find the more you enter into flow, the easier it will be for you to get there anytime you wish.

I’m wishing you success in all your life missions and purposes!

(Ami Stidham is a Spiritual Life Coach, Teacher and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner based in Cincinnati, Ohio. She helps women step into the life they were meant to live; happier, healthier and with greater purpose.



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